From Blackboard to Blueprint

Woman stands facing viewer smiling.

From substitute teaching to aerospace manufacturing, Traci Elliot’s career growth shows the power of the supportive, inclusive workplace she found at Northrop Grumman. “Be impactful, learn from smart people, and offer help — whatever form it takes,” she said. “That mentality has brought me here.”

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Championing the Next Generation of STEM Leaders

Northrop Grumman employee in branded shirt stands holding a backpack during an event.

As an aerospace and technology leader, our team at Northrop Grumman knows that delivering excellent products for our customers in the future will depend on how we prepare the next generation of diverse science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) professionals today. That’s why so much of our company’s charitable giving and the contributions of the Northrop Grumman Foundation — totaling $297 million over the past 10 years — focuses on STEM education for underserved youth from kindergarten through college. It’s a companywide commitment that begins with our employees.

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